
Scouts NSW - 1st Brush Park Scout Group


Annual Report Presentation - Call for Group Committee nominations

Published Wed 05 Jun 2024

1st Brush Park is required to hold an Annual Report Presentation (ARP) [equivalent to an Annual General Meeting] each year before 30th April. Funnily enough, it is past this date and we are still working on the documents and forms required to make this happen.

Therefore, the Group Committee has agreed that we will do a sort of virtual ARP to fill the positions on the Group Committee that we need to get our Group revitalised and moving forward.

The positions on the Group Committee are taken from parents and friends of the Group and are not uniform leaders. If someone does join the Committee, they will need to undergo the Adult Helper membership process and do two online modules, but I would encourage all parents to do that, anyway, so you are able to help your leaders by attending weekly meetings or camps.

So, the positions we need to spill and fill are as follows:

  • Chairman - currently Stephen R
  • Deputy Chairman - currently vacant
  • Secretary - currently vacant
  • Treasurer - currently Clarrie N
  • Trustees (2) - currently Mitchell R. Graham C to be formally appointed after ARP finalised.
  • Public Relations Officer - currently vacant
  • Hall Booking Officer - currently Clarrie N
  • Fundraising Officer - currently vacant
  • Group Delegate to Region Committee - currently Stephen R (I think)

Everyone in offices at the moment is happy to stand again, BUT this is a general email to all parents and a call for nominations to vacant positions, or, currently filled ones if you have the expertise or would like to take on the challenge of helping the group move forward.

The Committee has many exciting plans for renewing our group and hall (new bathrooms, external lighting, renovating the downstairs area etc). Group Camp, regular Group Working Bees and we need you to help make it possible.

PLEASE, give serious consideration to joining the team and send me your nonmination by the end of June, when we are hoping to finalise our ARP documents and send them to Region. Remember, when you join a volunteer organisation you give the time you are able to give.

SO, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care

Lynda Calder

Leader-In-Charge & Trainee Group Leader